The president kindle edition by miguel angel asturias, frances. Guatemalan diplomat and writer miguel angel asturias 18991974 began this awardwinning work while still a law student. The main character is miguel angel face who is the presidents close confidante. The president kindle edition by asturias, miguel angel.
Miguel angel asturias project gutenberg selfpublishing ebooks. Online shopping from a great selection at books store. Within its pages asturias depicts a ruthless and paranoid dictators. Miguel angel asturias was born in 1899 in guatemala. Angel face decides to kidnap canales daughter and falls in love with her. Asturias s parents were of spanish descent, and reasonably distinguished. Drawing from his experiences as a journalist writing under repressive conditions, asturias employs such literary devices as satire to convey the governments transgressions and surrealistic dream sequences to demonstrate the police states impact on the individual psyche. Pdf miguel angel asturias was one of the first latin american writers so interested in evaluating within his creation the implications of tyranny. The book portraying both a totalitarian government and its damaging psychological effects. This acclaimed novel won the nobel prize for literature. The presidents advisor, miguel angel face, is ordered to help canales escape. The president was the one who ordered the police to torture the beggars and cast blame on carvajal and canales.
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