Portlet url will invoke portlet class and it will execute appropriate portlet lifecycle methods. Liferay mvc is portlet framework specially designed for liferay and we can develop portlet and deploy into liferay portal. Updates should not be made on perties or on perties, but in perties. Portlet lifecycle phases will be represent portlet lifecycle with numbers. We need not to do any additional configuration or need not to add any additional jar files when we develop portlet using liferay mvc. In the portlet action phase we will simple specify the portlet class method name in url parameter so that it will perform action. Spring portlet development, we can use all liferay apis so that we can develop portlets very easy and if the developers have best understanding about spring then its good choice to develop spring portlets in liferay. This frame work has many features and it uses liferay apis to rapid portlet development and easy to use.
Portlet filters are similar to servlet filters in that they allow request and response modification on the fly. It can be integrated with document library to track document multiple file download for liferay. It mainly render the view in term of jsphtml code and show into the respective portlet. Liferay portal the java platform for busy developers. In this blog lets see how a portlets life cycle is managed by a portlet container from its initialization to destroy.
For example sending stream of bytes directly to client file download of. Although, there is not a complete onetoone correspondence with the backing file lifecycle and the portlet lifecycle, it is possible, with the use of events, to create similar behavior. Presentation about portlets and liferay portal held at costa rica java users group. Render method phase of all the portlets on same page is called every time when. Portlet render url will call doview method and it will render view content in browser. Portlet lifecycle method render tech blog liferay mvc portlet. If you setup liferay to be multitenant, this id is used to separate data between the virtual portal. Liferay mvc is portlet development framework and we can develop jsr. Set the urls of libraries that might be needed to download during the auto deploy process. Document download tracker can used as alternative to any analytic tool. It is very light weight frame work and it come up with liferay plugins sdk. A blade cli contenttargetingtrackingaction template is available to help you get started quickly. Liferays audit ee app provides a pluggable way of storing the audit trail from liferay portal ee and its apps by installing a service.
Portlets are design to place together with other portlets on same pageto generate complete web page, its possible that user may not directly interacting with portlet. Liferay 7 portlet commands example java,liferay, liferay. The portlet container calls the processevent method for each event targeted to. Calling osgi services from a warpackaged portlet thats been upgraded to run on liferay portal ce 7. Public liferay portal community edition lps956 request parameter without xxxx in ibm jsf portlet causes arrayindexoutofboundsexception in portletrequestdispatcherimpl. Portlet serve resource phase lifecycle spring mvc portlet in liferay. In this section, you will define the metrics viewsave lifecycle. This tag also reads the command object and sets it in the pagecontext of your jsp file. This method takes care of releasing the portlet resources. In servlet, the servlet container calls service method to process user request.
Since few months ago i want to blog post about the new liferay functionality that let you build portleturls using javascript only. How to create a simple jsr 168 portlet using eclipse liferay. In this blog lets see how a portlet s life cycle is managed by a portlet container from its initialization to destroy. The portletmvc4spring project began as spring portlet mvc and was part of the spring framework. There are three main types of portlets typically created in dotcms, the velocity, struts or jsp portlet. Lets jump into creation of sample osgi portlet module and will drag on to liferay page. Liferay 7 portlet tutorial java,liferay, liferay 7, soap.
Once the deployment has completed, you should notice new marketplace sections added to the control panel. Once the portlet is deployed,refresh the project and open the liferay portlet plugin api library again. You can refer my previous blog create liferay portlet to know how to build and deploy portlet. On the ui side, will provide the url to your portlets resource handling method. Introduction to portlets using liferay portal part 2. The form tag library is integrated with spring portlet mvc framework and gives access to the command object. It is possible to create other types of portlets though i. In this tutorial, we will look into liferay 7 portlet module creation along with osgi configuration.
Move the plugin to your liferay hot deploy directory, which is typically located within the liferay home directory and named deploy. This tutorial is intended to provide you a full detailed explanation for getting liferay portal up and running and deploy the same employee registration sample that we had developed in earlier tutorial. Portlet configuration page use some parameters for liferay portlet. Introduction to portlet phases and lifecycle methods. Its used if you want to separate your data between organization or sites. Small liferay portlet for easy and basic checking if a website is running. The information is processed by the service in order to store the information into log files, a database, or both. Like many web apps, portlets process requests and generate responses. There are different types of portlet containers such as apache pluto, oracle web center and liferay. You can notice that just few jars are present under it. Each more we feel the need of becoming more and more web 2.
I am gonna introduce you to some of the basic concepts of osgi such osgi modules, osgi components and osgi services. We will represent all requires parameters and it values as query string. The prerequisite for this tutorial is liferay 7 development setup before creating module in liferay dxp, so please click on this link to setup the development environment in eclipse. Tutorial for creating own portlet in liferay with eclipse. I want to create my own portlet with the eclipse juno for liferay. Liferay mvc portlet development introduction liferay community. Highly extendable and customizable while remaining standards compatible, liferays robust, multitenant platform is how java developers ship more value to their customers with less effort. I have a button in the ui that calls method for downloading a file which takes an inpustream type. Portletrequest interface provides methods for accessing various types of needed information. As soon as a process action is invoked it invoke render method. The standard methods of the portlet lifecycle in the jsr286 portlet specification include. You avoid writing a bunch of boilerplate code, since liferays mvc framework simply looks for some predefined parameters when the init method is called.
Users visiting the website can then fill the form which is then sent to a configured email address or saved to file or to database. Portlets also have a portlet filter available for each phase in the portlet lifecycle. How to create portlet application using osgi in liferay 7. Request parameter without xxxx in ibm jsf portlet causes. Liferay dxp does, however, provide utility methods that can access the servletrequest and query parameters. Creating url routes if you have the guestbook portlet deployed and added to a page, click on the add guestbook button. Also, lifecycle methods belonging to a single portlet need not be in the same class. Without knowing portlet life cycle its almost impossible to develop a portlet.
Liferay tutorials 04 portlet lifecycle explained liferay 6. Developing a spring portlet mvc framework application for. Liferay 7 portlet commands example tutorial helps developers in creating commands rather writing up all action,resource methods in portlet controller. This exam is based off of the liferay training course backend developer as well as the liferay dxp 7. Portlet lifecycle method render method represents render phase of portlet. This made it possible to improve and maintain the project for compatibility with the latest versions of the spring framework and the portlet api. Each portlet phase lifecycle is represented by respective methods in portlet class. Osgi in liferay 7 dxp is a new concept introduced in liferay 7, the main intention behind osgi is to split the liferay 7 portal modules independent of each other. How download a file or inpustream in portlet using liferay. If a portal page contains five portlets then all the five render methods will be. Portlet tutorial, apache pluto portlet portal example tutorial, portlet request, portlet response, portlet example code, action request, action response. Liferay mvc portlet is default liferay portlet development frame work and it is inbuilt in liferay plugins sdk. Beginners who just started learning java based portlet development for them its very important to understand whats portlet life cycle.
To view the javadoc for the content targeting classes mentioned in this article, download the javadoc jar. How to download file from web site having liferay portlet. Introduction to portlets using liferay portal part 2 slideshare. Jsr 286 portlet life cycle posted on october 22, 2014 by hamidul islam in liferay. If you used backing files in your native jsf portlets, then oracle recommends moving the source code that was in there to the appropriate java portlet methods. Defining a metrics viewsave lifecycle liferay help center. Liferay with spring make us better way of using spring capabilities and liferay capabilities.
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